jeudi 15 novembre 2012

[Delphine] Parents visiting, part 2

Hi everyone, Miami writing!

Sunday 4th
Today is... Universal Studios day!!!
The Island of Treasures, Universal Studio


Harry Potter village

 After debating for a long while, we decide that we should go to both parks that Universal Studio is offering in Orlando.
I make my parents try one coaster. I honestly didn't think it could be of any harm but my dad kept his eyes closed the whole way and my mom left terrified! I was just laughing the whole way!
All in all, it was a great day :)
NBA players are...tall

The Minions!

Monday 5th
I have a day off today and tomorrow! And today, we are going back to Miami and stop at 3 cities located on the West Coast, by the Pacific. Our first stop is:
Then we go to Saint Petersburg. Second time I am going in a few month, but a few thousand miles away from the one in Europe, obviously!
Tampa and Saint Petersburg are both nice cities but I must admit we did not stay long enough to be able to say we really appreciated the cities.

The last city we went to is called Sarasota and is famous for its Ringling museum. It is a nice place in 4 parts including a museum with paintaings and a circus, because Ringling actually became famous (and rich) on the circus business. 
Oh, and in his wonderful garden, there are banians. Special picture for Anaïs:
Statue in the banian, a little déjà-vu from Thailand no?

Ringling museum

Ringling garden

Back to Miami!

You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.

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