mercredi 28 novembre 2012

[Delphine] In Princessland!

Dear everyone, Miami writing!

Thursday 22nd - Thanksgiving
Last weekend was a four-day weekend for some lucky people living America (including me and excluding David!). On Thursday, most families celebrated Thanksgiving, enjoying the turkey and mashed potatoes in a peaceful and thankful atmosphere. I couldn't join any family so... I stayed home, watching TV and I did not care because I was too excited for the rest of my weekend.

Friday 23rd - Black Friday
You have probably heard about it. Here, it was impossible not to. On TV, at work, with friends... Everyone and everything has been about the Black Friday pretty much since the reelection of the President (after one hot topic comes another). As a reminder, this day is when all the stores are making crazy sales and people are sleeping in front of the stores to be the firsts in... Crazyyyy

I went to the Aventura Mall for the first time that day. It was indeed super crowded and very very tough to find a parking spot there, which was obviously not a problem for me since I got to the mall by bus, but was one indeed for Charles with whom I was supposed to have lunch (he waited a good half an hour in vain). I was actually quite disappointed with the supposedly amazing sales I was expecting. I cannot say that I saw any good sales in the clothing stores that I have been to. I heard it was more worth it in the electronic stores...

I finally found Gigi (aka Giovana, my Brasilian friend) and Saveria and the three of us got ready to drive to...Orlando! We arrived at the hostel at about 8 or 9pm, got a nicer room than planned (an actual room instead of a dorm) and had dinner at Panda Express, a Chinese oily fast-food.

Saturday 24th - Magic Kingdom
Today is our D-Day!! We are 20' away from the entrance of Magic Kingdom which opens at 9am but who cares, we leave the hostel at 8am! Time to pay the parking and entrance, we are ready like hundreds of other people, waiting for the doors opening, at 8:45. Mickey and all of his friends welcome us and the day can begin!!
Welcome to Magic Kingdom!

Mickey and his friends

I'm too small to get in!

on the left: Gigi, on the right: Saveria

In the line of an attraction

So cuuuuute

Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan (day parade)


Jack Sparrow!

Pluto, my big Disney love!

Maybe it's a fiiiiirework

 The day was amazing! We really came back to childhood and I absolutely adored it. Of course those pictures do not show every single attraction and ride we went to but it gives an overview of the park. I was a little scared that it would be too similar to Disneyland in Paris but it was not that much. Perfect day

 Sunday 25th
It is already time to go back to Miami. But before that, we enjoy a great brunch at Denny's. 
Big brunch

You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.

dimanche 18 novembre 2012

[Delphine] Parents visiting, part 3!

Dear everyone, Miami writing!

Tuesday 6th
Today is time to actually visit some nice places in Miami. I decide we should start with Brickell and its big buildings. 
Oh, and today is the election day. In Florida, you could vote in advance, but it seems that many people did not judge this option to be the best... They probably regretted it when they standed lining up for up to 6h in order to vote. And you should know that if you're already in line at 7pm (when you're not allowed to come in line anymore), you are allowed to stay until you vote. This is how some people ended up voting at 2am, even if Obama had already won the election. What an organized country indeed...

People in line to vote
Then we went to Coral Gables, where I had already been a few weeks ago. However, we did not go to the same street and this one was very animated and really nice.

We finally went to Coconut Grove. I had never been to this part of Miami, and the neighborhood is just lovely! We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and saw the famous CocoWalk. 

To end our visiting day, we went to South Beach, where I showed them all of the hotels I am used to going to with Charles and Tom.

Shore Club
Shore Club

The National

The National



Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th
I was working so my parents went to Key West.

Friday 9th
Another day off! But this time, I really deserved it, since I have been working on a Saturday. We take the day to go to the Evergaldes and say hi to my aligator friends!
It was a GREAT experience!! Not only did we actually see aligators, but we also took a small boat with a propeller. I had no idea that the boat could go that fast! We had a lot of fun, I just loved it!

The Gators and me!

Gator Park

Boat driver

Baby gator!!!


Saturday 10th
Time for my parents to go... I won't write about it, I'm pretty sad they left already... Next amazing visit expected and hoped: my sister!

You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.

samedi 17 novembre 2012

[David] From the Big Apple to the Windy City

En relisant mon dernier article, je me suis rendu compte que je l’avais terminé sur une note plutôt triste et anxieuse. En même temps, après une telle semaine, je ne voyais pas d’autre alternative. Au fond de moi, je me disais que la donne allait changer et que mes péripéties allaient cesser. Et bien j’avais raison ! Depuis que je suis à Chicago, j’ai l’impression que la chance me sourit.

D’une cage à lapin à une chambre de luxe

Il est vrai que j’ai eu beaucoup de chance déjà à New York concernant le logement. Alors que beaucoup mettent un mois voire deux pour trouver un appartement, j’ai trouvé le mien en trois jours. Bon, je payais $950 pour une chambre de 10m², dans un appartement sombre à partager avec quatre autres personnes. Le voisinage était bruyant et parfois l’eau chaude coupait.
En arrivant à Chicago, je me suis dit que je n’aurai pas cette même chance. Et bien au bout de deux jours, l’appartement est tout trouvé ! Je vis donc avec trois autres personnes dans un magnifique condominium à trois étage (le dernier étage étant un toit ouvert avec une vue sur la skyline de Chicago). Je bénéficie en outre de deux salons, d’une salle à manger, d’une cuisine, d’un bar, d’un piano, d’une douche avec son propre sauna et d’une chambre avec son propre closet. Alors, oui je paye plus cher qu’à New York mais de très peu pour une chambre bien meilleure. 

 Ma chambre à New York - vue de l'entrée
 Ma chambre à New York - vue du lit
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Salon numéro 1
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Cuisine

Mon appartement à Chicago - Salle à manger
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Chambre
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Salle de bain
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Bibliothèque
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Salon numéro 2
 Mon appartement à Chicago - vue du salon 1
 Mon appartement à Chicago - Vue du toit ouvert

Du statut de stagiaire à celui de manager

Professionnellement, aussi, tout va bien. Si à New York, je ne me sentais pas réellement l’âme d’un manager mais plutôt celui d’un stagiaire, ici je commence à prendre conscience de mon statut. Devant le fait accompli, je n’ai pas d’autre choix que d’accepter (enfin) cette responsabilité. Je continue d’apprendre tous les jours mais je me sens de plus en plus à l’aise. Les clients sont bien moins casse-pieds et j’ai maintenant une vraie légitimité à prendre des décisions.
Un jour, mon collègue et moi somme allés rendre visite à notre entrepôt pour, entre autre, me présenter comme leur prochain interlocuteur. Le PDG de la compagnie d’entrepôt nous accueille dans la salle de réunion avec la personne en charge opérationnelle de notre compte. Puis au fur et à mesure, la manager des opérations s’est ajoutée, puis le vice-président, puis le compte-clé, puis le manager de l’entrepôt, puis la responsable du dispatch. Beaucoup de monde. Ca ne m’a pas dérangé jusqu’au moment où le PDG s’est adressé à moi en me disant : « Et bien David, as-tu des questions sur la façon dont nous travaillons ? ». Autant vous dire que je n’avais rien préparé. Je m’attendais à ce que mon collègue mène la réunion avec les points à traiter. Je pense que c’est à ce moment là que j’ai pris conscience de mon statut de manager (il était temps).

D’un réseau EDHEC à un réseau à créer soi-même

Grosse ville oblige, New York possède une grande communauté d’EDHEC (l’école de commerce dont je suis issu). Je connaissais déjà quelques personnes qui étaient arrivées dans la ville avant moi. Je n’avais donc aucune appréhension quant à rencontrer des gens.
Même si Chicago est une grosse ville, je ne connais personne. Je suppose qu’il y a une communauté EDHEC mais je n’en ai pas réellement entendu parler. Me voici donc dans une ville où je ne connais personne. Mais au fur et à mesure, cela me pousse à aller davantage vers les gens : la personne chez qui j’ai vécu pendant une semaine via AirBnb le temps de trouver un appartement, ses amis, la Communauté Française de Chicago (une soirée mensuelle qui regroupe des Français vivant dans la ville), mes colocataires et leurs amis. La plupart du temps, ces personnes sont américaines, ce qui n’est pas plus mal pour améliorer mon anglais (même si parfois, je dois avoir l’air d’un perdu).

Je n’ai pas réellement pris le temps encore d’explorer la ville mais je suis persuadé que Chicago promet autant que New York. Même le froid que l’on m’avait annoncé comme glacial dès Novembre n’est pas encore arrivé. Le soleil est plutôt au rendez-vous, même s’il se couche à 16h30.

Bref, je commence à reprendre la main sur ma vie et à avancer dans cette aventure américaine avec un nouvel état d’esprit, de nouveaux défis et une nouvelle vie.
Si la chance me (re)sourit, est-ce que ça veut dire que le prochain cycle sera encore un cycle de galères ? Peut-être. Mais en attendant, je profite de ce que j’ai et de ces débuts prometteurs, histoire de ne rien regretter.


jeudi 15 novembre 2012

[Delphine] Parents visiting, part 2

Hi everyone, Miami writing!

Sunday 4th
Today is... Universal Studios day!!!
The Island of Treasures, Universal Studio


Harry Potter village

 After debating for a long while, we decide that we should go to both parks that Universal Studio is offering in Orlando.
I make my parents try one coaster. I honestly didn't think it could be of any harm but my dad kept his eyes closed the whole way and my mom left terrified! I was just laughing the whole way!
All in all, it was a great day :)
NBA players are...tall

The Minions!

Monday 5th
I have a day off today and tomorrow! And today, we are going back to Miami and stop at 3 cities located on the West Coast, by the Pacific. Our first stop is:
Then we go to Saint Petersburg. Second time I am going in a few month, but a few thousand miles away from the one in Europe, obviously!
Tampa and Saint Petersburg are both nice cities but I must admit we did not stay long enough to be able to say we really appreciated the cities.

The last city we went to is called Sarasota and is famous for its Ringling museum. It is a nice place in 4 parts including a museum with paintaings and a circus, because Ringling actually became famous (and rich) on the circus business. 
Oh, and in his wonderful garden, there are banians. Special picture for Anaïs:
Statue in the banian, a little déjà-vu from Thailand no?

Ringling museum

Ringling garden

Back to Miami!

You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.

lundi 12 novembre 2012

[Delphine] Parents visiting, part 1

Dear everyone, Miami writing!

My parents arrived last Friday to visit me and Florida for a little bit more than a week. And I know my parents, when they visit, there's no time to rest! Tight schedule, many places to see and spend every moment as if it was the last. This is how it has been so far!

Thursday 1st
I can't focus at work, I'm so excited!! After discussing with my HR / current boss, I understand that I'll be able to go to the airport to welcome them to my city :) A colleague drives me to the airport, but I have no way to let them know that I would come so it will be a surprise. Sadly, it turns out that I get there too late... I wait for a while and finally check my emails and notice that my Dad has sent me one about 40' earlier saying they were on their way to the car rental location.
I go to the car rental place, without knowing wich company they have rented the car from. There are at least 10 to 15 different options and a real crowd of tourists deciding which brand would suit them most. In this situation, I have no other choice than take a cab and go home, just after emailing my parents to let them know they should join me there.
By the time I get home, my dad has emailed me to tell me they were still at the rental car place... That is called bad luck...
Eventually, they join me and we go by my pool to have dinner. How not to enjoy the place and the company? Even though it has been pretty tough to meet them, I am happy.
My dad and me, by the pool...

Friday 2nd
Today I have to work while my parents take their first tour in my new city. 

Miami skyline
In the evening, they join me and we go a synagogue in South Beach, on 17th street and Washington avenue. We are usually not going to temple, except during Kippur and this kind of big Jewish celebrations, and going to the service is not a lot of fun for me, to be completely honest... But the rabbi is French and he talks to us in a very friendly way before starting his service in English and Hebrew. 
I have never ever seen an office of this kind. I still can't believe what I saw: the rabbi was singing with a microphone (let me remind you that during Shabbat you are not supposed to use ANY electricity) and he had with him someone playing the electric piano. They were both singing the prayers more than really praying. It sounded like a Gospel show, singing with two different voices the same prayers. For the first time in my life, I did not want to leave this place and I was actually enjoying a lot the "show". If it was closer to my home, I could go every week.

...and in front of the synagogue
 After this very nice moment, we went for dinner in an Italian restaurant on Lincoln Road, in South Beach. First time my parents were enjoying my "tough Miami life". Yes, it is full of tourists and yes, you feel on vacation everytime you put a foot there. And you know what? I like it!

Saturday 3rd
My ontime parents are supposed to pick me up at 9h30 and actually show up at 11am. At least I know where I come from! Today is a driving day and our first stop is Fort Lauderdale where my friends Tom and Victor live. We go to Las Olas, the main street in the city.
Las Olas

My mom and me in Fort Lauderdale beach

I have already been to Fort Lauderdale twice; the first time was during the day with David when he came here and the second time was by night with Charles, Tom and Victor, to...drink and party obviously.

Second stop is Boca Raton. I heard so much about this city!! Charles lived there for 6 months last year, Tom is working there from time to time, and two friends that I met about 1 month ago are living there as well. I could not wait to finally see that city! And on Charles advice, we had lunch in JB's a very nice place with the view on the sea. 

The small car my parents rented

Last stop: West Palm Beach. OMG, I knew this city was full of rich and old people, but I must admit I was not expecting it to be that rich (and old). Everything is so nice and so full of big cars (Jaguars next to Lamborghinis...).
In Palm Beach

In Palm Beach

At night, here we are: Orlando!!
You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.