mardi 9 avril 2013

[Delphine] Key West

Dear everyone, Miami writing!

I know, I know, I keep repeating myself that I need to write, that I am late and lazy...
Obviously, quite a lot has happened during all these months.

I remember I never actually wrote about my weekend to Key West. It was absolutely lovely! I went to this place with two French friends from my business school, Antoine living in NY and Eva living in Miami and my dear Brazilian friend, Gigi. Our little group left Miami on a Saturday morning and took the road for the most beautiful 4h-drive one could dream on. We have been pretty lucky in our lives and have already had the chance to visit many countries and seen fantastic landscapes, but this one is absolutely breathtaking. Picture yourself on a never-ending road with only two lanes. On your right and on your left, all you have is the deep blue ocean for as far as your eyes can see.

We arrive in Key West still amazed by the trip and get to our nice motel, ideally located. Indeed, we only have to walk about Duval Street, where you have all the bars and restaurants of the city. That's actually where we spent most of our weekend. On Saturday afternoon, we started eating and drinking at about 3pm, a couple of hours before we went back to the motel to shower and get ready for a long night in various bars.
You can hardly be disappointed, considering the variety of ambiances in all the bars of the street. Should you prefer live rock music or mainstreams (including of course Rihanna), you will necessarily find what's going to make you dance.

The most "interesting" bar was the one where you could have as much clothes as you want... Or let's say as few clothes as you want. This is how we ended up seeing one completely naked man and two top-less women.

On Sunday afternoon, after getting a nice rest, we rented bikes to see the whole area and had a great breakfast in a very popular restaurant. While waiting for the food to come, we decided to take advantage of the tennis table available and played for a while.

On the way back, we stopped to feed fish, as suggested by Eva's coworkers. It was a little scary since big birds were flying around to get the food first, but I must admit we had a great time.

You will learn a lot more very soon!
xoxo, D.

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